Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to remove glitter nail polish

Hi :-)
Sometimes it can just be a battle removing glitter nail polishes and it takes such a long time! Therefore I wanna share this little tip, which makes it a little easier and faster ;-)

All you need to use is: nail polish remover, cotton pads or cotton balls and pieces of tin foil.

You put some nail polish remover on the cotton pads and place it over your nail. Then you wrap some tin foil around it and when you have done this to all of your nails, you let it sit there for about five-ten minutes. It may sound like a long time, but it is nothing compared to the time you would spend trying to just rub the glitter polish off ;)

When you remove the foil, the nail polish should more or less just glide off as well, and the remaining parts are easy to remove afterwards...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

xo Lise


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