Sunday, November 25, 2012

DIY face mask

Today I made a quick face mask to clarify my skin. I got the recipe from one of the Youtubers I follow, Rachhloves.

It was quick and easy to make and my skin felt great afterwards :-) but unfortunately it is not a mask I can make very often, since one of the ingredients is pure pumpkin, which is very difficult to get a hold of in Denmark. Lucky for me, my boyfriend made a big Thanksgiving dinner this year, where he had to use pure pumpkin, so I was fast to grap the remaining product :-)

To make the mask, you need: two table spoons of pure pumpkin (it is a good idea to warm it up in the microwave first, so the mask does not feel as cold on your skin), a table spoon milk, two teaspoons of honey and a spoon of olive oil.
Mix all the ingredients together and rub it gentle into clean skin.
Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer afterwards - and you have given your skin a nice little treat..

xo Lise

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